Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Dady-- I have been thinking about this since Saturday,how does it feel to have  a penis ,is it mushy ,or does it bother when you are walking ,how ?

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Dun Olivia'nin ogretmeni ile konustum. Sinifta ogretmen herkes tanriya iniyormu diye sorunca bizimki elini kaldirip "ben tanriya inanmiyorum "demis.Ogretmen de dusuncelerini ozgurce paylastigi icin tesekkur etmis ve bu davranisinin gurur verici oldugunu soylemis. Dun Chili'li cocuk kitabi yazari nobel odul sahibi Gabriela Mistral'in biyografisini okuduk beraber,kitabin sonunda soyle diyor :

"Gabriela Mistral teaches us to beileve the pover of our own voices,no matter where we are, what we do, who we are !".

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Olivia : Mommy did you adapt me ?
Me : No Olivia.Why did you ask ?
Olivia : Because I don't really look like you.Your neck is like an old lady's neck .
Me : ????????????????

Today I cooked pasta that i made at home and  Olivia " Mommy this is very yummy please teach it to me so that I can make it when I am an adult "

Reha is in Turkey ,he left a week ago and will stay untuil May 20th. Olivia is talking to her on the skyep everyday.Today she couldn't goo to sleep until 9pm so we called Reha and they get to talk half an hour then she was able to sleep.
Today she said she is missing him,kissed his pillow.
We are sleeping together meanwhile until Reha comes back we will.

beleive in god

Olivia'nin ogretmeni dindar bir insan ve derste sik sik tanri'dan bahsediyor,cocuklara iyi olmalari gerektigini tanrinin onlari izledigini vs soyluyormus .Bir suredir bunu evde sik sik anlatiyor ve benim ogretmenle konusmami istiyordu.Bugun geldi ve soyle dedi :

- Bugun ogretmen herkes tanriya inaniyor mu dediginde ben "hayir ben tanriya inanmiyorum"dedim

Ogretmen de kendi dusuncesini etki altinda kalmadan ozgur olarak ifade etmesinin guzel birsey oldugunu soylemis.

7 yasinda boyle de cesur bir kizim var benim..

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Not ating animals.

At the beach yesterday Olivia's best friend ate "chicken nugget" and after Olivia gave her a bad look she said "okay I am only eating one"
After we came home, I opened the subject and said "Olivia I understand that you prefer to vegetarian BUT ..."
Se interrupted me saying " no no no no no .Please don't talk to me about respecting others . I DO CARE about animals ,and I WILL TELL MY FRIENDS NOT TO EAT ANIMALS NO MATTER WHAT ! . which one is more important caring about anilmals or being polite to others "

I have no answer to this almost 7 years old girl.

( Olivia has been vegetarian for almost a year with her choice)

Friday, July 12, 2013

bedtime talk.

Olivia was talking about death tonight:
Mommy, I've also told this to daddy; When you guys die ,I will put hard shape stickers on your bones...

Then she started crying and said :
How could even life be without you ?

We are leving for 2 weeks of vacation tomorrow moorning.
Summer has been going well.At the beginning Olivia had ear infection and was in bed almost one week with fever.Her pediatrician gave antibiotics and ear drp which made her healed.
We has been to camping twice alreday once beginning of June and at the end.We had so much fun with our nature club.
Olivia packed her clothing ,books and almost al by hersef; for this trip. We are planning to go to Santa Fe ,Utah and Grand Canyon.
I am excited.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Olivia's first love.

Olivia said she is in love with her classmate maned Jason. He is a boy with dark skin and black curly hair .Olivia said he likes his curly hair and he smells like dady(Reha) .She said it would be great to live together with him and she feels very happy when she looks at his eyes. I told Olivia that she can express her feelings towards him but she is worried if jason talks on her .She also says that they have different skin color people might loght at her..
Reha is back 2 days ago.He had been in Turkey for almost 1.5 months .He lehad left on April 1st and back on May 20th. Olivia and I had a good time.At the beginning Olivia cried few times that she can't touch dady ..

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